Saturday, October 10, 2009

Alex's Quality of Life is Better with Isotonix Spectrum Might-a-Mins.

When Beth Pinto RN, BSN, BA was asked what helps her son Alex she gave this reply:

The approach I have taken with Alex has been to follow the DAN (Diagnose Autism Now) Doctor recommendations. I found out about DAN when I read Jenny McCarthy's first book about her son Evan. I have since read her other two books and found the information she shares so helpful. The DAN recommendations for supplementation are what I have used to find supplements for Alex. The Market America Isotonix Spectrum Multi Vitamin and Isotonix Spectrum OPC-3 are right on target regarding what these kids need in a supplement and the big reason I decided to try them. go to key word search: Isotonix Spectrum.

The fact most kids have digestive problems makes the isotonic line so fabulous for them as 100% of the supplement gets into them instead of 40% from a pill and it is easier on their digestive system. I honestly think the subtle changes we have seen in Alex's behavior and mental clarity come from his increased absorption of the supplements.

Alex was on OPC in a tablet form 4 years ago that did not give him the same increased attention, mental clarity and relief from allergy symptoms that the Market America Isotonix Spectrum OPC-3 does. I only change one thing at a time with Alex so I can determine what, if any, effect the change is having on him. I also don't tell teachers, friends or sometimes even my husband when I make a change to see what feedback I get regarding changes. I am such a science geek that I attempt to make a blinded study out of any change to determine if what I see, or think I see, is real based on others feedback.

Alex has been playing more with neighborhood kids since starting the MA line and has also had such an easy start in school this year. Adult neighbors have told me they see improvement in Alex, but can't tell me exactly what, but they notice he is doing better. For the first time, Alex has actually told me he notices a difference in himself since taking the MA supplements. He said his poop "comes out easier" (which means he is digesting better since his body works better from ingesting all the supplement offers), his allergies are producing "hardly any snot" (due to the OPC-3) and he finds paying attention in school "even when I'm bored" much easier (again the OPC-3).

Alex also takes the Heart Healthy Omega III fish oil from Market America. (go to Keword search: Omega III These subtle increases have come at a time when changing the supplements he takes is the only thing new.

I tell other parents that the basic 5 in recovering kids from autism consists of:

1. diet --- clean and whole foods

2. exercise --- any movement helps and relieves stress for everyone

3. supplements --- they don't have systems that work right so we must assist them

4. home --- make it as chemical free as possible (MA home, garden, pet and auto products are fabulous and money saving!)

5. neurofeedback --- if the above doesn't clear out all the neurological problems, neurofeedback can retrain the brain to work as it was supposed to and medications can be avoided or decreased gradually while training until complete removal from meds can happen.

I hope this information helps. I am always happy to share any and all information I have found while researching how to help Alex.

Beth Pinto RN, BSN, BA

Monday, August 3, 2009

We praise God for bringing the Whited family into our lives!

My 13 yr old son was born with a low immune system.

In infancy he continually had colds, coughs, congestion, etc. It slowly turned into bronchial infections which eventually turned into asthma. By the time he was a young toddler (around 2), he was on 4 pharmaceutical grade medications, using an at home breathing machine daily, along with frequent runs to the doctor or emergency room.

FINALLY, after a few years of seeing NO results from the medications, I started turning to alternative choices and looked into diet changes and natural supplementation. Eventually we made our way to a D.O. who tested my son's saliva. The DNA results proved my son's body did not hold nutrients well and he was in a great need to change his eating habits, as well as, use some whole food supplementation.

A few weeks after making these changes my son was better, but still struggling a bit. Fast forward a few more years where my family was introduced to some wonderful products through David and Stacy Whited. Today my son is DRUG FREE, and has COMPELTE remediation. We have not visited a doctor or an emergency room for the past 2 years due to Market America products.

The products my son takes on a daily basis are as follows: 3 doses of Isotonix OPC-3, 1 dose of Isotonix ORAC, 2 scoops of Complete Greens, 1 dose of Isotonix B-Complex, 1 dose of Isotonix Multi-Vitamin w/iron and Heart Healthy Omega III's ( Keywords seperately: Isotonix, Complete Greens, Omega III).

We praise God for bringing the Whited family and Market America into our lives!

Blessings, RC and Tammy Nashville, TN

Chris and Crystal offer some help.

My wife and I have been very pleased with the performance of the Might-A-Mins Spectrum products ( Keyword: Might-A-Mins Spectrum). We have an autistic son (PDD/SID) who is now 7 years old and has been on these products for almost a year. In this time, both ourselves and his therapists, have noticed great progress in his recovery and emergence from many of the barriers he has had since his diagnosis almost 4 years ago. His therapy and classroom work is much more productive and he is acting more like a neuro-typical kid everyday. We have also seen significant improvement in his digestive issues since using the products( Keyword: Might-A-Mins Spectrum Probiotics).

My wife Crystal, and I, are very active in the autism community and always make ourselves available to help out other parents who have loved ones on the autism spectrum. Sometimes it helps just being able to talk with others and share our experiences, ideas, and support with each other. Chris
7 in 10 U.S. Kids Have Low Vitamin D

Kids' Low D Means Heart Risk, Rickets, Weak Bones

By Daniel J. DeNoonWebMD Health News
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

Aug. 3, 2009 -- Seven out of 10 U.S. children have too-low vitamin D levels, putting them at risk of heart disease, rickets, and weak bones.

Nearly one in 10 kids -- 7.6 million American children -- are actually deficient in vitamin D. Low vitamin D is risky, but vitamin D deficiency is a serious health threat in which the body begins to reabsorb calcium from the skeleton.

The new findings come in a study by Juhi Kumar, MD, MPH, of Montefiore Medical Center; Michal Melamed, MD, of Albert Einstein College of Medicine; and colleagues.

"We expected the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency would be high, but the magnitude of the problem nationwide was shocking," Kumar says in a news release.

Rickets, a bone disease of infants caused by too little vitamin D, has been on the rise. It's not the first time: A U.S. epidemic of rickets at the end of the 1800s ended only when the U.S. fortified milk with vitamin D.

It's now apparent that more must be done. People get vitamin D from foods like milk and fish, but it's hard to get enough from diet alone. The body makes its own vitamin D, but only when a person gets at least 10 minutes of direct sunshine a day, before putting on sunscreen.

Most people need regular vitamin D supplements ( Keyword: Isotonix Vitamin D). Indeed, the Kumar study found that children who took vitamin D supplements were least likely to have low vitamin D levels. But only 4% of kids get these supplements.

Some kids were at particularly high risk of low vitamin D levels:
· Older children
· Girls
· African-American children
· Mexican-American children
· Obese children
· Kids who drank milk less than once a week
· Kids who spent more than four hours a day watching TV, playing video games, or using computers

Melamed noted that the widespread use of sunscreens keeps kids from getting vitamin D from sunlight.

"It would be a good idea for parents to turn off the TV and send their kids outside," she says in the news release. Just 15 to 20 minutes a day should be enough. And unless they burn easily, don't put sunscreen on them until they've been out in the sun for 10 minutes, so they get the good stuff but not the sun damage."

The Kumar study is an analysis of data gathered in the 2001 to 2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) of a nationally representative sample of 6,275 children aged 1 to 21.

Low Vitamin D, Future Heart Disease

Kids who have low vitamin D levels are at serious risk of heart disease in adulthood, find Johns Hopkins researcher Jared P. Reis, PhD, and colleagues.

Reis' team analyzed data from 3,577 12- to 19-year-olds in the NHANES database.
They found that even after controlling for all kinds of factors that affect heart disease risk -- obesity, exercise levels, race/ethnicity, age, gender, and socioeconomic status -- low vitamin D put kids at risk of heart disease as adults.

Compared to the 25% of kids with the highest vitamin D levels, the 25% of kids with the lowest vitamin D levels had:
· a 2.36-fold higher risk of high blood pressure
· a 2.54-fold higher risk of high blood-fat levels
· a 50% higher risk of low levels of good HDL cholesterol
· a nearly fourfold higher risk of metabolic syndrome, a set of risk factors for diabetes and heart disease.

Kids with low vitamin D levels were more likely to be obese, but even non-obese kids with low vitamin D had more risk factors for heart disease in the not-too-distant future.

The Reis study appears alongside the Kumar study in the September issue of Pediatrics.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tyler's Autism Story

This is Tyler. He is our little three year old boy who we love very much! Tyler has Autism. It affects him from everything to sight, sound, smell and touch.

At 10 months old Tyler was walking and talking. Around 18 months Tyler changed drastically. All of a sudden, the Tyler I knew was not there. He would not look you in the eyes, he played by himself, and he had many, what we call, big melt downs. He lost the words that I had recorded in his baby book that he had spoken many times before. He didn’t want to be touched and held as much, let alone to be kissed.

Tyler was diagnosed at age 2 with Autism. We were working hard and fast to try to keep this monster’s hands off our baby! I read many books, web sights and watched just about everything on Autism that I could. I had heard many times that there is a window of time before it gets harder to reach them.

Out of the blue, a friend from high school posted online and asked if anyone knew anyone with Autism. So I replied…. Buddy had just gotten back from a world conference in Florida where he was very excited to share what he had learned from a woman who was already getting big results with the products with her son who has Autism.

When he told me the name of the products, I threw my head back and shouted “I should have known!!” I had taken some of the same products 6 years ago when I had Lupus! Yes I said had!!!! I get my blood tested every year and it’s in remission or resolution, I’m saying resolution! I had not taken the products for awhile so it was like being introduced to an old friend! I trust the products and what they had done for me, let alone all the other people we had helped with the products!

I told Buddy I would try the products on Tyler under one condition: that he gave me at least two months before I would comment on how it was all going.

It didn’t even take that long! We started Tyler on the products on February 26th 2009 with only four people knowing. Buddy, Tyler’s aide, my husband Scott, and Myself. I wrote it in the calendar and started the routine that we follow everyday! We saw results right away! We actually could not believe our eyes. He was coming out of his shell. We kept this to ourselves until there were so many people asking what we were doing.

Tyler uses Isotonix Digestive enzymes, Might-a-mins Spectrum Probiotics, Might-a-mins Spectrum Multivitamin, and Might-a-mins Spectrum opc-3.

Tyler drinks a lot of juice. Because of this, we mix his sippy cup with half water, half juice. I know they suggest mixing the products with water. However, Tyler does not drink just water so we mix it with juice. The juice that has found to be easier on Tyler’s stomach is White Grape Juicy Juice.

Our routine for Tyler is:
Every morning, he has White Grape Juicy Juice-half water, half juice mixed with one cap-full of Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Probiotic and one cap full of Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Digestive Enzymes. ( Keyword: Might a mins Spectrum)

His next glass could be a half-hour to an hour later, give or take some time. We mix half juice, half water with Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix OPC-3 and the Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Multivitamin. ( Keyword: Might a mins Spectrum)

There are three teachers who come into our home to work with Tyler 3 days per week. Three and a half weeks after starting these products, the teachers saw the change in Tyler and asked what we were doing differently. They were excited to see he had more words, eye contact, and he was less agitated. He also wanted to play with other children!!! He also has another OT therapist, Sunshine from Children’s Therapy Center, who came in to work with him and was actually in tears to see his accomplishments. Sunshine was amazed at all the words coming out!

We at home are so thrilled at the words he says, his interactions, and his ability to handle some new surroundings. Tyler now tells us goodbye, gives us hugs and kisses, and smiles. When you get back the hugs, kisses, and smiles, that’s more than any parent of a child with Autism can ask for. We hope as he continues taking the products, we will see more and more results.

We cannot tell you how extremely grateful we are for these products and what they have done for our son and our family! We have had two life changing experiences with these products: mine with Lupus and Tyler’s ever-changing, decreasing Autism symptoms.
